Genesys high efficiency dryer

Technical information
These dryers are designed to work in steady conditions in all the processing phases: start up, production, standby and system shut down. The process parameters and the dew point are kept constant and always at optimal levels for adequate treatment of PET. The Genesys dryers were developped as systems with more respect for the environment and who are able to minimise and optimise energy utilisation.
Equipped with innovative and patent-pending devices, these units are able to adjust in a completely automatic manner the functioning mode of the drying system, thus optimising the performance at the maximum.
● Auto adaptive operation for extraordinary energy saving
● Inverter controlled EFF1 process blowers
● Air-flow management and stabilization
● Regeneration power management
● No cooling water
● Industrial PC system control
Main features
● Self-adjustment of the dryer to the real production requirements, by means of the elaboration of signals deriving from high resolution load cells on which the drying hopper is installed and from a special developped air flow measuring device.
The system self-adjusts the set values, thus allowing the optimisation of the drying process as well as of the usage of necessary energy.
● Constant dew point, without fluctuations. The device managing the process airflows keeps the dew point constant and at the required values, thus optimising the energy required for the tower regeneration, with consumption savings which can be higher than 50%.
Every regeneration cycle saved results in the increased duration of the molecular sieves.